Thursday, February 13, 2014

What It Feels To Be a Big Sister

My little sister, Allie, is the best thing in the world. I look forward to seeing her in the morning and playing with her too. She's like the joy to my day sometimes. Allie makes me happy inside. I also like to help her learn new things. Sometimes my mom and dad spends a LOT of time with her. I hate it, it feels like I'm chopped liver but I understand that they need to tend to her needs. But it's fun being a older sister. Did you know, before I was the only child. I think being a big sister is a lot better (most of the time).

Second Math Problem

My Aunt Dee was the first one to answer the math problem posted earlier this week, her answer was: June has 8 more birthdays than October (14 - 6) = 8
Here is your next math problem written by my Aunt Dee:
Aunt Dee gives Makayla $50 for the blue/white rainbow loom bracelet she received in the mail this week. Makayla buys one package of bands for $20. How much money does Makayla have to buy additional looms?

My answer was: zero because I would send Aunt Dee the money back because she sent WAY TOO MUCH! I'm looking for the real answer though, do you know how much money I would have left?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Math Problems Every Week with Rainbow Loom!

I'm going to start this every week. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm going to do one math problem on these days that I list up here. You guys have to try and solve on paper. And on Saturday and Sundays I'm going to teach you one rainbow loom bracelet. Here is the math problem for today:

There are 14 people who have June birthdays. 6 people have birthdays in October. How many more does June have than October?